> Studies: preliminary study - state report - documentary study
> Advice in preventive conservation and support for the development of reserves
> Conditioning and preparation of art pieces before transport
> An emergency response service at the client's request
> Various conservative restoration treatments: cleaning, stabilization, consolidation ...
> Curative restoration treatments: de-restoration, desalination, filling, retouching ...
What do we propose ?
We propose many levels of intervention on the patrimonial pieces. From conservative treatments to curative restoration. We offer to our customers :

What are our treatment methodologies ?
Each intervention protocol is defined case by case after study and discussion with the owner / manager of the work. The treatment objectives are framed by the professional code of ethics: to ensure the good conservation of the object in the short and long term, to find the legibility of the work and to guarantee the documentation of the interventions.
The workshop masters varied methodologies of treatment: archeology, historical period, object of art, object of the technical inheritance. And is also able to intervene on the databases, the management of the preventive conservation, the conditioning and the manipulation of all types of patrimonial objects.
The workshop is specialized in the treatment of ceramic, glass and enamel objects. And is thus authorized to intervene on porcelains, sandstone, glasses, earthenware, terracotta, enamels of all historical periods, from the oldest objects to the most contemporary ones.
© 2019 Anaïs Braja